Book Club…
Don’t travel alone.
Continue your leadership journey with others
7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership Book Club
A gift from Next Leadership to you!
We're so excited that you've decided to get together with like-minded others to take this journey!
We are confident you'll find this time both insightful and liberating, and that as you 'burst the bubble' of each of the 7 Deadly Sins, your sense of expectation, aspiration and leadership effectiveness will inevitably rise!
Don’t feel that you have to run a ‘traditional’ book club, (although you may want to). Someone we know started a Twitter book club, you may also want to run another kind of ‘virtual’ book club - as long as you get started, the sky’s the limit!!
“I want to encourage all women to affirm what is good about their leadership, while addressing what is potentially destructive” Kate Coleman

My Deadly Sins
Why not discover your greatest challenges and opportunities?
Begin the journey toward defeating some of your own deadly sins.
Scan to take the test on your phone
Is this Book Club Material free?
Yes, it’s totally free!
How big should my group be?
A group of 8 to 12 people is ideal. This number allows ‘space’ for quieter members to make a contribution, without feeling uncomfortable or intimidated.
How often should we meet?
Aim to meet every 4 - 6 weeks. This interval provides members with an opportunity to read the chapter, accommodates different reading paces, and gives time for personal reflection.
Who is it for?
The more diverse the group the better! A mixture of age, experience and background all contribute to the variety and depth of discussion. Consider personally inviting 4 - 5 people to the book club, and encourage them to bring a friend along.
How do I start?
Click the Download Book Club Material link above, fill out the short Book Club Form and access the free discussion guides, recommended questions and top tips to make the most of your meetings. Happy reading!
Coming soon!
Look out for 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership video study series…
Ready for more?
Continue to develop your leadership with Ellevation an immersive learning experience for women
Or join a community of women eager to Reimagine Christian community