7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership

Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior in Work and Ministry

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Mark 15 incredible years of 7 Deadly Sins with our anniversary resources!

For women who lead and the men who celebrate them…

Women are making their way into strategic positions of influence and leadership within the church, public, corporate, charity, and voluntary sectors in unprecedented numbers. They are called by God to flourish in these arenas. At the same time, women’s entry into the leadership arena has been the catalyst to uncover deep-seated issues in leadership culture. These external and internal challenges are not unique to women, but they tend to hinder women in unique ways.


Buy the Book

Discover the powerful insights that started it all…

‘Every now and then you come across a book that you know is going to be more than just a good, inspiring read, it’s going to be a useful resource that you refer to again and again. This book is one of those books…’

Watch the Video Study

Engage like never before with our immersive, all-new video series!

“God used the material to produce many ‘lightbulb’ moments of breakthrough and healing in areas such as personal vision, conflict and boundaries. Our leaders are now stepping forward with more courage and confidence and we have a common language to encourage one another, often just saying “boundaries” to one another can really help!!”

Take a deep dive and study together or on your own.

Start a Book club

Spark meaningful discussions with guided questions and activities…

“Running the 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership as a book group has been hugely beneficial. The practical well explained examples enabled us to identify negative patterns, often commenting ‘that’s totally me!’”

Get a group of friends and/or colleagues together, order your 7DS books, make use of the Top Tips and Discussion Starters we provide, download your free book club material. You’re now ready to go!

My Deadly Sins

Why not discover your greatest challenges and opportunities?

Begin the journey toward defeating some of your own deadly sins.

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 In 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership, Kate Coleman and Cham Kaur-Mann consider what lies at the root of the many challenges facing today’s leaders—especially women but also men—and propose transformative ways of dealing with them. Effective leadership starts with you, and with sixty-five plus years of leadership experience between them, Kate and Cham explain how you can:

  • Overcome limiting self-perceptions

  • Establish boundaries

  • Develop a tailor-made personal vision

  • Cultivate a healthy work/life rhythm

  • Stop being a people-pleaser

  • Learn to confront not collude

  • Be intentional with your inner circle

Created for every leader from any sector, this proven and practical book and video study will enable you to identify and overcome self-defeating patterns of behavior in ways that will radically transform your leadership.

“Our bookclub started your book 2 months ago with the intention of doing one Deadly Sin each month. But given that the intro alone took 3 hours of discussion and we had to do the First Deadly sin over 2 months, we are quickly realising that it looks like we are going to be in this book for a year!

There’s just soooo much goodness on every single page! And we agreed that we will take our sweet time so that we can savour every single morsel and learn everything we can while holding each other accountable.
For each of us in the bookclub, this book has come at just the right time. We’re learning so much. And even though we all have extremely busy lives, we have prioritised our reading and discussion time each month.

So this is a very long way of saying THANK YOU Kate! Thank you for making yourself vulnerable and thank you for taking the time to translate your decades of experience (good & bad) into this wonderful resource that has and will tranform the lives of and bring freedom to many.”

— Sharon Jones, Administration & Communications Officer, HEBA