Lent: The Season of Spring
We are approaching that special time of year again. Today, Ash Wednesday, is the beginning of Lent, a time grace; of personal reflection and devotion to faith, of drawing closer to God and focusing our hearts. As we embark on this period of reflection, many will be concerned that year after year, the distance between those that ‘have’ and those that ‘have not’ without seems to stray ever wider. The gap between feast and fast, harsher than before. Many will struggle to give to others when food and fuel bills accommodate most (and for some, all or more) of a household income. These are difficult times for many, but as ever, there is an opportunity for us to reacquaint ourselves with the reason for this season… Lenten; or, translated from Old English - the ‘Season of Spring’.
We often think of poverty in economic terms, but in doing so, we are missing its full meaning. Poverty may be material or spiritual, those who suffer in physical poverty reach out to organisations and people who can help to alleviate their need, and it is the same for us all in spiritual poverty. We are drawn to God to fulfil our spiritual needs, and in this season of Lent we are inspired to go deeper with Him. During this period, we are encouraged to fast, not only physically but spiritually; from judgements, anger, discontent, and negativity of words, thoughts and actions.
For those who are struggling to make ends meet in this season, we remember that it is proportion, not quantity that is the expression of generosity:
I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.
Mark 12:43
Giving should not necessarily be easy, but it should be intentional. We often give our time, skills and finances without thinking, especially in areas where we have a surplus or where habits are formed. This lent, in addition to your normal activities, why not consider giving from or practicing in an area in which you are less at ease, an area lacking in confidence or needing some stretch. Give proportionately, in some way that impacts the day to day of your life.
This Lent, prayerfully dig deep and do something uncomfortable.
The season of spring brings forth fresh opportunity. It is a time to reflect on the old and prepare for the new. Let this time be one of spiritual feast, growth and hope.
Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.
2 Corinthians 6:10