Metamorph: My Writing Journey…

I have a deep admiration for prolific writers and am extremely grateful for the few I know personally. But I’m not really among those who seem to effortlessly produce book after book, despite having written my fair share of journal articles and chapters for edited volumes over the years. I often feel more like the writer—perhaps Hemingway—who said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” And while others seem able to repeat this process of ‘bloodletting’ with relative ease (Hemingway included!), I’m always left in need of a serious transfusion after writing just one, and now two, books!

So, when I was asked, “How did you know it was the right time to write again?” my honest answer was simply, “When I’d finally forgotten how hard it had been the last time round.” A friend once suggested that my struggle with writing was due to my roots in an oral/aural culture—and the fact that I am an inherently oral/aural person. Not only does this resonate with me, it’s also very comforting, so I guess he may be right.

However, I knew I had to write Metamorph despite the discomfort because the Holy Spirit’s prompting was so strong it was almost unbearable… So, I got on with doing everything I could, making what seemed like a few reckless decisions at the time, to ensure that the writing—or should I say the ‘bleeding’—happened. God, of course, is faithful and honoured my step of faith and I found myself blessed with a creative ‘moment’ that lasted for well over two years.

Metamorph is the result of that creative but still painful ‘moment’… and as you’ll see, it is not your usual leadership read. This is, of course, entirely intentional…

Therefore, having finished it somewhat worse for wear… my prayer is that Metamorph will be a blessing to you, whether you are an established or aspiring leader. I hope you find comfort in both new and familiar themes designed to encourage, sustain and remind you of who you are and whose you are as you grow in your leadership journey. But I also pray you experience just enough discomfort to inspire you to make any necessary changes—changes in who you are as a leader, in why and how you lead, and in where you lead from and to. As you read, I’m praying you’ll experience multiple moments of Holy Spirit transformation and will be blessed to become an even greater blessing than you already are through your life and leadership going forward.

As for me, I’ll continue to pour out whatever it takes to inspire others and personally experience the transformation God so evidently desires, even if it takes (more of my) blood, sweat, and tears in the process… 

Metamorph is available in physical, digital and audio formats from all good online retailers including Amazon (click here for Amazon US and here for Amazon UK)

Bulk orders are also available here.


With Christmas on the horizon…


Giving Others the Opportunity to Rest