Pentecost: The value and quality of human connectivity

We are blessed to continue our Pentecost series this week with wisdom from Revd. Joyce Fletcher, National Director Women & Families for COGOP Trust UK, Founder of ‘CoNNECT’ Model and CEO Open Door Global Ltd

The Value and Quality of Human Connectivity

We have felt disconnected at some point of our lives i.e.  isolated, excluded, devalued, stressed, and traumatised which in turn impacts on our health and mental wellbeing.  This disconnection leads to potential conflict, increased sickness levels, reduced productivity, impacts on staff retention and ultimately people leave organisations, teams, communities, which costs socio-economically, reputationally and emotionally.

The value and quality of human connectivity is more important today than ever before and has been overwhelmingly validated throughout the last few years of the global pandemic. Staying connected and checking in with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours became second nature.

The Pentecostal move of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:42-47 demonstrated how people connected with a much deeper level of unity, sense of community and strength. ‘Koinonia’ a Greek word, comes from the verb ‘koi one’ and occurs for the first time in Acts 2;42;

“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” 

Often when we think about Pentecost we think of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the many miracles that followed without really grasping the impact of this great move and how it led to real outcomes through active fellowship, community connectivity, unity, comradeship and support outside of the church walls to all neighbourhoods and wider community.

There is a clear message and challenge to organisations today; how do we come alongside, empower and support individuals, teams, fellowships and organisations to foster a culture where people feel connected, able to thrive and  where the value and impact of ‘Koinonia’ is fully realised?


Representing Jesus…?


Pentecost: Levelling Up