Black History Month #stillmakinghistory…
We want to celebrate all our heroes and sheroes and all those who made history… but we also want to celebrate those who are making history.
So, join Next Leadership, as we celebrate our very own Rev Dr Kate Coleman and all those who have been mentioned in this publication Racial Justice Champions Vol 1. See page 28 for Kate (or page 16 depending on your count) with the following foreword by Richard Reddie, Director of Justice and Inclusion, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland:
The tragic murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, USA in May 2020 set off a seismic response to racism across the globe. In Britain and Ireland, it became a ‘Kairos’ moment for the churches to explore equality issues and address the racism that existed in their structures. While this new commitment to effecting change was most welcomed, it did appear to suggest that the churches were not previously cognisant of this problem. Such an implication fails to take into account the efforts of brave Black, White, Asian and minority ethnic Christian women and men who, over the last five decades, have championed racial justice in churches across our lands.
The aforementioned murder of George Floyd has seen ‘race’ come on to the agenda with church and society being willing to explore the matter like never before. It appears to be the case that ‘racial justice is an idea whose time has come’. However, there was a time, not so long ago, when those who brought issues of equality and inclusion to the churches’ attention were regarded as ‘do gooders’ at best, and ‘troublemakers’ at worst. This resource is dedicated to those ‘troublemakers’ - those heroic individuals who created the ‘right type of trouble’ at what was deemed the wrong time for churches and Christian organisations. The truth is, there is never a ‘wrong’ time for justice, and this publication is an opportunity to celebrate the invaluable contributions of these often-unsung individuals who spoke about racial justice when it was unfashionable to do so. In hearing their stories, let us be educated and encouraged, but most of all inspired to do likewise.
Upcoming podcast!
In the middle of this month, we’ll be speaking to a very special guest and celebrating their contribution to racial justice… giving honour where honour is due!
So, who’s your racial justice champion - past and present?