Still Touching Earth…

Well Christmas is very nearly upon us…

Again… (it feels like it’s come around rather quickly!). This year we thought we’d do a Vlog rather than a blog, we’ve officially entered the 20th century… although that was the century before this one… Well you live and learn… I meant the 21st century…

So, we’re taking an opportunity at Next Leadership to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and intercessions on our behalf, as well as your sentiments, comments and interactions throughout this past year.

Thanks to those of you who invited us to journey with you through mentoring or coaching, speaking at your event or leading your development programme and thanks to those of you who have joined us for one of ours.  

It’s been quite a year… again (we thought 2020 was challenging enough). 

So here we are, at that time of year when we recall the well-known story, with its trademark manger scene, and familiar characters - angels, shepherds, wise men and king.. (oh and of course the flocks!) 

We know that the wise men used their star charts and traditions to deduce where to find Jesus, and Herod came by the information second hand -  BUT God actually touches the earth and sends His angels to visit shepherds, who would have been‘ othered’ by their society, viewed as untrustworthy, dishonest and unreliable; no-one mixed with them, no-one liked them, no-one really respected them…

Physical distance would have been strictly maintained - taking the idea of social distancing to a whole new level!  These were the least likeliest and the group least expected to encounter a heavenly host, …to receive the news first hand and be directed to the one who would be saviour.

God is still touching the earth today… by-passing the usual suspects, the so-called ‘wise’ and powerful.  God is still sending angels… to the most unexpected places and people; still bringing good news; and still directing people to the Saviour. 

Let’s be there when that happens and let’s join God wherever God chooses to touch the earth today. 

We love you, appreciate you and pray that God will continue to bless you

And we wish you all a profoundly blessed encounter-filled Christmas!

 Amen and Amen!

Cham Kaur-Mann and Kate Coleman

Artwork by Helen Yousaf -


Honour where honour is due…


Celebrating our Sheroes!