What Now?

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.

Maya Angelou  

My colleague and best friend Kate (known to many of you…) shared these powerful words with me a few days ago.  They were penned and spoken by the amazing poet, dancer, producer, playwright, director, and author Maya Angelou.

They set me thinking and fired my imagination. There are so many areas where we’re challenged to do better and so many significant dates for ‘remembrance’ specifically set aside throughout the calendar year for us to pause and reflect upon what ‘better’ looks like in practice.  As an organisation that focuses on the development of change making leaders especially in the areas of diversity, women and mission, for Next Leadership, important dates include international mentoring day, International day of the girl child, International Women’s day, World environment day, Black History month, their Christian equivalents and for this month, the all-important, Racial Justice Sunday (which falls on 13 February 2022 this year).

This day reminds me of God’s unequivocable stance on matters of justice; the words of Dr Martin Luther King Jr that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’, the sisters and brothers who have sought to champion matters of racial justice throughout the years – tirelessly, thanklessly, and far too often, against all the odds.

This month I’m thankful for the Christian organisations who have produced resources to help churches, groups and individuals work together on racial justice matters in meaningful ways (and there is a lot of stuff out there).  The day also encourages me when I reflect on the steps that have been taken by some Christian charities, churches and individuals, committed to doing something to change their organisational culture, structures, and practices in the light of the divine challenge, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” - Micah 6:8.   On Racial Justice Sunday, I’m pausing to give you a ‘shout out too!’

Yet it is also a day, when my heart is heavy… when I feel angry, upset, as I recall the countless stories I have heard over this past year (again…) of racial injustice, micro aggressions, abuse suffered by those who continue to be on the sharp end of racial injustice within our churches, our communities, society, local and national government, the police force to name but a few… (I’m sure you could add your own to the list). I’m not afraid of my anger… after all Ephesians 4:26 reminds us to, "Be angry, yet do not sin." (The second half of the sentence is a greater challenge for me and that’s by far a better ‘problem’ to tackle methinks!)

I feel angry when I hear another eloquent speech… backed up by unremarkable inaction; I feel outraged by the lack of moral compass and prophetic challenge from some of our churches, Christian denominations, organisations and movements… 

But then I remind myself.. ‘…let’s keep this to an I statement Cham’ … another world, is possible… if I do better in my world. And you… will you do better in yours?


For Such a Time as This!


Honour where honour is due…