Zondervan to publish 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership!

Last year we shared with you our God-inspired audacious goal to impact and empower the leadership of 1 million women over the next few years.  Well... a lot has happened since then (understatement!), including the following!

We are thrilled to announce that Zondervan will be publishing an updated edition of  7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership.  This is already available for pre-order across Amazon or here (for those in the UK) and here (for our friends in North America).  It will also be available for general release in March 2021!   

The updated edition will include chapter updates, together with a revised introduction reflecting on many of the seismic events and new thinking that have influenced women's leadership development, since Kate's book was first published in 2010.

We are living in extraordinary times and firmly believe that the best years for women's leadership are still to come!

You can still order/purchase the original edition directly from us until we run out of copies here.


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