International Women's Day...

Isn’t it wonderful to know that the whole month of March is set aside to honour, give thanks for and celebrate the lives of ordinary extraordinary women! 

Personally, if was given the choice – I’d make it mandatory to celebrate women every day of every year!!  So… you may have guessed that I intend to make the most of the opportunity provided by International Women’s Day.  

I’d like to begin by honouring and celebrating the women who have knowingly and unknowingly made a huge difference to my life…  including those whose lives have inspired and blessed me beyond measure.  They are faithful friends, wise counsellors, mentors, cheerleaders, encouragers, delicious food providers… They are the Mindo’s, Kate’s, Elaine’s, Ruth’s, Afua’s and Kay’s of this world.  The Sarah’s, the Sarbjit’s, Kabagambe’s, Vanessa's, Mohini’s and the Auntiji’s.  Maybe, I’ll drop some of them a line just to let them know how much they mean to me… These women are all dreamers!

Then of course, I can’t forget those women who inspire me from the pages of the Bible – Women with the leadership prowess of Deborah, or the strategic abilities of Esther, the resilience of Hagar and what about that group of sisters, 5 of them, they’re not that well known… in fact whenever I mention them, people usually say – er, who…?  They’re often referred to as the daughters of Zelophehad — but let me share their names - Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. These Sistahs lived in challenging times and through difficult personal circumstances, nonetheless they made the courageous call to step up and speak out in a male dominated environment. They unintentionally became pioneers, history makers and activists of their generation!  (You’ll find them in Numbers 27 v 1-11).  And then of course, there’s one of my ‘favourites’, the West Asian (I just had to get that in!), Woman at the Well, aka The Samaritan Woman.  I just love the way Jesus released her to become everything she could be and to make a difference to her world... These women dreamt of something better.

I would also like to give a shout out, to other women who continue to influence me from their vantage points in history, women like: Pandita Ramabhai, Julian of Norwich, Wangari Maathai, Maya Angelou to name but a few.  I could literally be here for hours!  I hope you’ll join me in honouring and celebrating and adding to the list of visionary women, scientists, front-line workers, writers, mystics, footballers and rugby players... These women dreamt of something bigger.

But I’d also love you to join me in investing your time, talent and energy in women whose voices deserve to be amplified and whose efforts deserve to be multiplied. I invite you to do this regardless of whether you are a sister or a brother who longs to see women contributing all that they can to God’s purposes in our world... let's support these women to nurture their dreams.

And let’s please not forget the sisters who continue to be subject to abuse, slavery and trafficking.  Let’s continue to stand with, defend and protect them from the predators who seek to strip them of their humanity. Because on International Women’s Day - I am reminded of my responsibility to all women and girls.  I’d really like to make my contribution count...  I'm dreaming things will be different for these women.

Finally, I’d like to honour and celebrate you…  You also are a treasured mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin and friend and I thank God for the difference you are making to somebody’s life right now.  Whatever else you do in this season… keep on nurturing your dreams!

A version of this was released for Sunday Night Live, International Women's Day broadcast with Pam Rhodes on Premier Christian Radio.


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