Do not forsake wisdom…
she will watch over you.
Proverbs 4:6
Be inspired to serve well, inside and out.
Keep up to date with talks and discussion from Kate and Cham at our Linktree Profiles - Kate Coleman | Cham Kaur-Mann
To be honest, we’re tired…
We were recently asked why we hadn’t made a statement on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death (spoiler alert, this might turn into that…)
Need some Ellevation?!
Are you a woman with influence or responsibility within the faith, public, corporate, entrepreneurial, academic and charity worlds? We invite you and those in your network to join us on this ‘life-transforming’ journey!
Time for a Change: new season, new beginnings and new look!
We’ve been saying ‘it’s time for a change’ for many years and for all kinds of reasons. Those of you who know us understand our passion for leadership in general…
International Women's Day...
Isn’t it wonderful to know that the whole month of March is set aside to honour, give thanks for and celebrate the lives of ordinary extraordinary women! Personally, if I was given the choice…
Giving Up or Giving More?
It’s that time of year again… yes Valentine’s but we’re also on the approach to Lent! This raises the age-old question of how to enter this sacred season and what to do over the 40 days leading up to Easter.
Breaking new ground?
Like so many of you, we have mixed feelings about 2020. For within the currents of trauma and despair, counter currents of possibility and hope have also flowed, and we have experienced both.
Lights in the darkness...
Throughout the turbulence of 2020 and as we face the uncertainty of 2021... Jesus the great light continues to shine...
Black History Month
This Black History Month, we want to affirm that black history is a part of global history and deserves recognition every day of every month, of every year.
Zondervan to publish 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership!
We are thrilled to announce that Zondervan will be publishing an updated edition of 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership.
Are you M.A.D. with the world?!
I am, more than ever… and I intend to stay that way!
The events of these past few weeks have…
“Go where you’re really needed”
A conversation with former Baptist Union President Kate Coleman and General Secretary Lynn Green